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Wounded Warrior Project Empowers Veterans to Start Their Own Business

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 29, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) recently partnered with the City of Jacksonville and Florida State College of Jacksonville to teach veterans about entrepreneurship. The event connected warriors to local small business leaders who also happen to be veterans.

Wounded Warrior Project veteran Jeff Shuford talks to other veterans at a recent entrepreneur summit hosted with Jacksonville's Military Affairs and Veterans Department.

Jeff Shuford, an Army veteran registered with WWP, shared his story with the crowd. Nearly two years ago, Jeff started Tech From Vets with another veteran registered with WWP. The company develops phone applications and websites. Jeff hopes other warriors learned to use their experience to their advantage.

"Being a veteran in business is not a handicap; it can be an asset if properly marketed," Jeff said. "Without my military experience, I would just be some 'ordinary guy' who started a business. But with my background, I was able to promote my story through national and local articles." 

For Navy veteran Ken Bradford, the lessons he learned may help him realize a life-long dream.

"I had worked in restaurants before joining the Navy, I enjoyed it, and I have considered owning a restaurant. The time may be now to take advantage of some of the opportunities I am learning about through this summit to make that happen."

Ken is keeping his options open, working directly with WWP career counseling to find something while he considers becoming an entrepreneur.

"I've found resources with Wounded Warrior Project to help connect me with potential employers; I just need to find the right fit."

Finding that fit is what WWP career counseling is about. The team assists veterans by updating resumes to match civilian job searches, provides interview coaching, and helps warriors network with potential employers.

Jeff credits WWP with helping his transition from military to civilian life. When he moved to Jacksonville, he saw a commercial for the organization.

"Wounded Warrior Project showed me around the headquarters and invited me to attend a golf connection event. After that, golf became my daily therapy, and Wounded Warrior Project became my family."

To learn and see more about how WWP's programs and services connect, serve, and empower wounded warriors, visit, and click on multimedia.

About Wounded Warrior Project
Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) connects, serves, and empowers wounded warriors. Read more at



SOURCE Wounded Warrior Project

For further information: Rob Louis, Public Relations,, 904.627.0432

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